Awarding Ceremony: MYF President’s Cup / Olympic Day Movement Regatta
YKKO team grabbed first prize, Myanmar Ease Net team and Marry Brown team won second and third prizes respectively in 6th Myanmar Yachting Federation President’s Cup and Olympic Day Movement Regatta 2016 at Yangon Sailing Club on Sunday.
5 participating teams with 70 members competed in this event.
The event was held on June 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th at Yangon Sailing club, Inya Lake.
The 1st prize winner YKKO team is composed of 15 members and it already took part in this President cup for 6 times and won 1st prize 3 times.
First Prize Winner, YKKO Team, Min Min: We trained about 1 week before the competition. We really had to try hard against Myanmar Ease Net team in Sarpie, Rater, and Optimist classes. We also won first prize in last year’s event. And I’m very glad that we won again this year.
The 2nd prize winner Myanmar Ease Net Team took a couple of days for training for Stand Up Paddle class.
Second Prize Winner, Myanmar Ease Net Team, Khin Nyo Lin: We decided carefully which team members would compete in which classes by planning. I’m very glad about winning second prize. Actually this is the first time I’m being captain of the team and we even won prize. I think this kind of competition is good as this makes the people to be familiar with yachting.
Myanmar Yachting Federation President’s Cup was started with 6 participating teams and 78 members in 2010.
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