Chevening Scholars: Supporting Future Leaders

11awardees of Chevening Scholarship program just finished their one year study in the UK through Chevening Scholarship Program by the British Government.

It is one year course from October last year to September this year. 

UK Government has been providing this scholarship scheme for Myanmar students with the support of international companies.

The British Ambassador expressed his delights for helping future leaders from Myanmar, and also hoped to strengthen the bilateral relations through this program.

Ambassador, British Embassy (Yangon), Andrew Patrick: “This country has the most energetic, the most overlooking, the most driven young people that I have ever met. It’s a great pleasure for me and British government to invest in young people of this country through Chevening scholarships scheme."

There are variety of courses ranging from finance, development studies, conflict prevention and peace building. 

Among the scholars are staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and said the knowledge gained from their studies will be useful for their career. 

Chevening Scholar, Chan Aye: "As I am from ministry of affairs so basically I am a diplomats, I will apply this knowledge I gain from my universities in my work place as a diplomats this will be very useful for ongoing peace process. It's very good opportunity for Myanmar in the time of democratic transition.” 

This is the very first time that the UK Government has tripled the numbers of scholars from 4 to 11.


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