Death Valley Blooms

El Niño fueled storms brought unusually large amounts of rainfall to Death Valley, the driest spot in the United States, setting the stage a once a decade wildflower bloom and record numbers of tourists to view them. There were a series of storms in the first two weeks of October that were very unusual that smoked the ground. Some parts of the park received three and a half inches in five hours whereas the annual rain is only two inches a year. Unlike the set schedule, it happened in 1998 and the last time in 2005. Park Ranger Abby Wines said,” There are about 20 species of wildflowers we’re seeing right now. The fields of yellow like behind me are Desert Gold and then there is a Phacelia, which is a purple flower. Gravel Ghost, white flower floating in the air, because its stalk is gravel colored and blends into the ground and a dozen more."

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