Kayin New Year: Celebration In Yangon

Kayin nationals in Yangon celebrate the day in various parts of the town but the central committee held it at the Ar Lain Nga Sint pagoda. 

Kayin New Year Day has been observed annually till today from 1937 in colonial era. Kayin New Year day falls on the 1st waxing day of Thalay-Htaing Koke Pho, or Pyatho. This year, it falls on 10th January. The most important activity of the event is hoisting the national flag.   

General Secretary, Central Committee for Celebrating the New Year, Hla Tun: Hoisting our national flag has two meanings. One is to preserve our culture and customs, which is communal harvest festival, which stems from the time when even religions were not in place yet. And second is we'd like all of the Kayin people regardless of tribes and the place of origin, be united and respectfully preserve our national flag and national anthem. 

The ceremony is held with five principles. "Cultural preservation", "not to seek political, racial, religion or personal interest" and "upholding national solidarity among Kayin people and all of the national brethrens" are the main things. 

Kayin National, Nyaungdon, Ayeyawady region, Saw  Aung Pyaye Phyo: I attend this ceremony enthusiastically as it concerned with the entire mass of the Kayin nationals. I'm so glad that our forefathers can hand down this custom to the new generations and it can unite all of the different tribes. 

Kayin National, Insein Myothit, Nant San San Pwint: I'm very happy to attend this ceremony as it is our culture. I'm really proud as our Kayin people have our own culture, tradition and literature. I'd like Kayin people live in unity and harmony among ourselves as well as with other national brethren.    

Not only Yangon dwellers, but also Kayin people from other parts of the country also attended the ceremony regardless of religion or their place of origin. And they are hoping to celebrate such ceremonies in unity in the years to come. 


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