Mexican Myth Animation

For its fourth installment, the Mexican animated franchise "Leyenda" takes on the mythical chupacabras, the "goats-eater". Director Alberto Rodriguez said, "This animal, that steals livestock, exists in many cultures and has done for years. It's one of these ancestral characters that every culture has. But, we wanted to give the chupacabras another dimension, more historical, to imagine what would have happened with the chupacabras two-hundred years ago. That's why people watch the film with affection, because it reminds them of something they knew or experienced at some point in their life. It defines us as a country and as a nation." Evaristo is a noble soul, an adventurous friend, kind of nosy, who wants to be there, brighten the world, save the day, like in the previous installment which is all about love and chilling-out. The success of the franchise is about friendship, loyalty, dealing with fear: the fear of death, the close presence of death.

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