Myitsone Dam: NLD: Project Won't Be Reviewed If It Adversely Effects Locals

The spokesperson of the incoming government, National League for Democracy, U Zaw Myint Maung said that the next government would not consider resuming the controversial Myitson Dam project if it adversely effects local people, global new light of Myanmar reports. Speculations about the reviewing of 3.6 billion USD Myitsone Dam project have emerged after the Chinese ambassador sent a message on 4th March, expressing that China is willing to negotiate with Myanmar's new government on the project. The dam project, located at the confluence of the Maykha and Malikha rivers on the Ayeyawady River, was suspended in 2011 by current President U Thein Sein during his presidential term. Critics and environmentalists in Myanmar have warned of the social and environmental consequences of the project.

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