New Beginning: Refugees In Myanmar-Thai Border To Be Repatriated

Repatriation of refugees along Myanmar-Thai border will be carried out starting last week of October, Kayin State Chief Minister Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint confirmed to MITV. Return of the refugees has been discussed with the Thai Government during the visit of State Counsellor Daw Aung Suu Kyi in June. The repatriation arrangement will be carried out in cooperation with the authorities from both Governments with the support of UNHCR. Some 100 refugees will be repatriated in the first batch, and necessary assistance including foods and shelters will be provided by the local authorities in cooperation with the UN organizations. According to UNHCR, over 120,000 refugees have been residing in 9 refugee camps along Myanmar-Thai border, and most of them are Kayin nationals who were displaced by conflict. 

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