People’s Parliament: Housings For Education Staff Discussed

Proposal on construction of staff housings for basic education teachers by allotting budget from the Union Government was recorded at Pyithu Hluttaw People’s Parliament session on Friday. 

17 MPs made discussion on the proposal saying the teachers especially who have been assigned to rural areas need accommodation, and it will also reduce burdens of the parents from villages as they have to arrange for accommodation of teachers. MPs also pointed out that the housing apartments should also be constructed in the cities since it is the basic needs for every staff. 

Union Minister for Education Dr. Myo Thein Gyi explained that there are more than 470,000 staff in the Ministry including teachers and admin staff. Providing staff housing concerned with the education staff from across the country, and suggested that the proposal should be recorded.

MPs also raised questions on opening of rehabilitation center, designating KyaukHtu in Magwe Region as township level and formation of Supervisory Committees for welfare of inmates.  


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