Some support, some opposition to new restrictions on U.S. gun purchases

U.S. presidential candidates and some Congress members were quick to react to new gun control measures announced by President Obama on Tuesday at the White House in Washington, DC.. Surrounded by victims of gun violence, the U.S. president unveiled stricter gun rules that he said he can impose without Congressional approval. Republican candidate Donald Trump told a packed auditorium in Lowell, Massachusetts that the Second Amendment is so important. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, DONALD TRUMP <<< "The Second Amendment, the Second Amendment is so important. They're trying ...They're not going to take your guns away folks, they're not going to take your guns, not going to do it. They're trying. They're talking about the bullets, they're talking about, and then, as you see, President Obama is on television." "He just wants to sign executive orders all the time. No good. It's no good. It's no good, it's no fair and they're not going to screw around with the Second Amendment, OK? It's not going to happen. 

But Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, a former Secretary of State in the Obama administration, applauded the president's move in Sioux City of Iowa. 

DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, HILLARY CLINTON <<< "Now I'm very proud of what the president called for this morning with his executive order, and I was pleased because some of what he called for I had advocated for back a couple of months ago during our debates and during the campaign. Comprehensive background checks, closing the gun show loophole, closing the online loophole, closing what's called the Charleston loophole, closing the kind of chances and opportunities that people who shouldn't have guns can take advantage of and get them, and that includes ending the immunity from liability for gun makers and sellers. 


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