True Boxing Story
"Bleed for This," a boxing tale that tells the comeback of champion Vinny Pazienza, is a true story and one that had its red carpet premiere on 2nd November in Beverly Hills. The film, directed by Ben Younger, stars Miles Teller (Whiplash, Divergent) as Vinny "The Pazmanian Devil" Pazienza, a local Providence boxer who shot to stardom after winning two world title fights. After a near-fatal car accident leaves the fighter with a broken neck, Pazienza is told he may never walk again. Against all odds and doctor's orders, renowned trainer Kevin Rooney (Aaron Eckhart) agrees to help Vinny return to the ring just a year after the accident for what could be the last fight of his life. Part of the film's story line revolves around the close bond between Pazienza and his trainer, Kevin Rooney. It’s about the sacred bond, total trust, the close relationship between the two.
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