Yangon Parliament: Three Committees Formed
The Yangon Region Parliament finalized the formation of three committees, Tuesday.
The Parliament approved Transportation, Communication, Construction and Industry Committee, Social and Management Committee, and Scrutinizing Committee for Parliament Representatives.
These three Committees are formed with 11 members and will be on tenure for one year each.
U Thet Tun Win was selected as Chairman for Transportation, Communication, Construction and Industry Committee, followed by U Wai Phyo Han as Secretary.
MEMBER, TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION, CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRY COMMITTEE, DR. KYAW ZIN OO: The committee will encourage construction development and better transportation network between urban and rural areas in Yangon Region. The traffic congestion of Yangon City is a main challenge for us. We will collaborate with respective departments for great achievements.
U Thar Aung was appointed as Chairman of Social and Management Committee and U Nyi Nyi as Secretary.
SECRETARY, SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, U NYI NYI: The members of this committee are mostly young people and also some are well-experienced persons. As the public voiced out, we will focus more on the development affairs, health and education. We will also cooperate for capacity building of respective departments.
The Parliament Speaker approved Daw Aye Aye Mar as Chairperson of Scrutinizing Committee for Parliament Representatives and Daw Thit Thit Myint as Secretary.
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