Mexican Movie Released

The Mexican movie 'Busco Novio para mi Mujer' is released in the US on 19 February. It tells the story of a man who can't face divorcing his wife, so hires a professional seducer to lure her away from him. Actress & producer Sandra Echeverría said, "I think it's an intelligent comedy, not a farce. Dana is kind of depressed and actually, the laughter comes from seeing what she's going through and how Paco gets so fed up with it that he hires a professional seducer to get rid of her. She says the things in your face, no-hold-barred, she goes with the flow, she's not afraid to say the things straight." Actor Arath de la Torre said, " There are some moments where the comedy characters fall into melodrama and people cry, people are moved, because they were able to identify with the situation."

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