Mexican Film Institute Celebration

Students and teachers from the Mexican film institute where he studied hail his achievement and that of director Alejandro González Iñárritu, winner of back-to-back Oscars. Mexico's movie industry is now thriving under a golden generation of film-makers who have won nine Oscars, four Golden Globes, three prizes at the Cannes film festival, two best film awards in Berlin and a Golden Lion in Venice. While Mexicans make a name abroad, production is soaring back home, from 10 films made in 2000 to 120 per year today. Homegrown productions have soared in the past decade thanks to tax incentives, which have encouraged all sorts of companies to invest in films. Mexican cinema had enjoyed another golden period between the 1930s and 1950s, with legendary film-maker Luis Bunuel heading that generation. 

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