Relocation: Arrangement For Vendors At Thiri Mingala Market

Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) is planning to resettle the street vendors who sell groceries in front of Thiri Mingala market. 

Over 1400 street vendors doing business in front of the market and it causes the traffic congestion on Bayintnaung road, the official from the city council pointed out.

To address the issue, YCDC is planning to replace them at a warehouse located behind the market.

Currently, the warehouse is hired by the private company and the city council is planning to negotiate with the company to rent the vendors with affordable price. 

DY HEAD, MARKETS DEPARTMENT (YCDC), THAUNG TIN: Although the company proposed us to rent the stalls for 100,000 to 200,000 kyats per month, we will negotiate to be able to rent for 50,000 kyats at most per a month. 

Some vendors welcome the plans but some not as the warehouse at where they will be replaced is located behind the market.

SELLER, CHO GYI: We welcome the plan. But we afraid for the traffic jam to carry things to the warehouse. It is better if they could solve the problem of traffic congestion sustainability. They also need to arrange for electricity and water. 

They also pointed out to solve the traffic congestion problem effectively as the road could block by extended place taken by the shop owners in the market. 

YCDC also plan to take action on those who violated the rules while arranging for relocating the vendors.

DY HEAD, MARKETS DEPARTMENT (YCDC), THAUNG TIN: Although the market was built behind the car park to carry things easily, the traffic jam is always occurred because of the sellers who try to extend their staffs on the road. So, we not only to relocate the vendors but also will also check the shops owners who try to spend more space and take action on whom against the rules.

Negotiations are underway with the company to contract the stalls with the vendors for at least six months, and the deadline for relocation is on November 16. 


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